Monday, April 4, 2011

How to Tell if You Have the Boss from Hell

1. The boss verbally abuses people and treats them as if they are expendable commodities, showing no tolerance or respect. The boss assumes the leadership position entitles him or her to treat others this way.

2. The boss takes credit for the ideas or work of others.

3. When someone attempts to give legitimate feedback that the boss does not want to hear, he or she will minimize or dismiss the issue by implying the person is a whiner or complainer.

4. The boss twists the truth or lies to protect his or her own interests. Bosses from hell will swear that they never said a particular thing, or made a particular promise, when in fact they did. It becomes the employee's word against the boss's.

5. The boss is a bully. He or she embarrasses employees by admonishing them in public hallways or in meetings. This also serves to intimidate and warn others, sending the message not to dare challenge, make a mistake, or otherwise be contrary to the boss.

6. He or she pushes people to their limits by forcing unreasonable performance expectations or goals. If the boss wants to fire an employee who threatens him or her in some way, he or she may use this tactic to set the person up for failure, creating a "legitimate' business reason for eventually letting the person go.

7. The boss will belittle other people's ideas or accomplishments. To diminish the contributions of others only serves to increase their own self-importance.

8. He or she will coerce people to work unreasonably long hours or frequent overtime, implying they are not a "team player" or that their job could be at risk if they don't comply. This can create incredible stress for good employees who are put in the position of choosing between spending time with family or being in disfavor with the boss.

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